The project „Einstiegskurse für Asylbewerberinnen und Asylbewerber mit guter Bleibeperspektive“, supported by the Federal Employment Agency, has started for refugees in Annaberg-Buchholz. Since 30th October 2015, the asylum seekers prepare in two courses for a vocational training or the start of a professional occupation. The foundation for this are language skills, which are communicated by the language school Neue Sprachenschule Annaberg International supporting the project run by the project executing organization ASG Sachsen mbH.

The participants show a lot of interest for German language acquisition. It will not only help them with the start of a professional occupation, but also supports their cultural integration in Germany and gives each attendee input for their daily life.

During the course, the asylum seekers get to know the German language. The goal is to build a basis to break the language barrier and prepare the participants for an attendance in integration courses. Daily life activities and German culture are part of the course content and the attendees become acquainted with some grammar structures, vocabulary and easy phrases to orient themselves in their surrounding environment.